25 September 2007

Well, it's begun!

By that, I mean that we've started the move. Finally! Of course, when we move, we both hope for the end. I don't care whether anything is put away or not. To me, it's the act of moving that's the pain. Putting things away when we're in, that's the interesting part.

We're renting a van to get most of the things moved ourselves. A couple of days later, the 'real' movers are coming in to finish the job.

Oktoberfest has begun! That means that town is full of people from throughout the world drinking amazing amounts of beer! How is that a bad thing?


ojulius said...

Awesome news on getting ready to move! Can't wait to see pics of the place after you 2 are all moved in. :)

Octoberfest must be a blast out there! I'm jealous.

Scott said...

By the time my slow ass got around to reading your blog you're probably moved already... Who was it?